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Description The Vaccine Religion Mass Mind the Struggle for Human Freedom.
The Vaccine Religion: Mass Mind & the Struggle for Human ~ The Vaccine Religion: Mass Mind & The Struggle For Human Freedom I was born in the 1950s when Americans were in the peak of health and infant mortality was low.Despite popular culture, my only 'tattoo' is the residual scarring from my 1960s smallpox vaccine, one the few vaccines required for admission to public elementary school.
The Vaccine Religion eBook by Walene James - 9781934280959 ~ Read "The Vaccine Religion Mass Mind & The Struggle for Human Freedom" by Walene James available from Rakuten Kobo. According to Walene James, The Vaccine Religion is a 21st century Mass Mind Virus marketed by a multi-billion dollar hos.
: Customer reviews: The Vaccine Religion: Mass ~ The Vaccine Religion: Mass Mind & The Struggle For Human Freedom I was born in the 1950s when Americans were in the peak of health and infant mortality was low.Despite popular culture, my only 'tattoo' is the residual scarring from my 1960s smallpox vaccine, one the few vaccines required for admission to public elementary school.
The Vaccine Religion : Mass Mind & the Struggle for Human ~ The Vaccine Religion : Mass Mind & the Struggle for Human Freedom. 5 (1 rating by Goodreads) Paperback; . According to James, The Vaccine Religion is a 21st century Mass Mind Virus marketed by a multi-billion dollar hospital, drug, and insurance racket and reinforced by the World Health Organization, the United States Government and .
The Vaccine Book - 2nd Edition ~ The Vaccine Book, Second Edition provides comprehensive information on the current and future state of vaccines. It reveals the scientific opportunities and potential impact of vaccines, including economic and ethical challenges, problems encountered when producing vaccines, how clinical vaccine trials are designed, and how to introduce vaccines into widespread use.
The Vaccine Book / ScienceDirect ~ The Vaccine Book, Second Edition provides comprehensive information on the current and future state of vaccines. It reveals the scientific opportunities and potential impact of vaccines, including economic and ethical challenges, problems encountered when producing vaccines, how clinical vaccine trials are designed, and how to introduce .
What the World's religions teach, applied to vaccines and ~ To paraphrase the Book of Genesis (chapter 4, verse 9), vaccine recipients are their brother's keepers, as contributors to herd protection. This review is intended to provide a factual and contextual basis for discussions about religious concerns about vaccines and immune globulins, as well as the role of religion in promoting immunization.
Home - The Freedom Articles ~ COVID Psychological Stress Being Applied to Break Resistance to Vaccine. Makia Freeman September 11, 2020. . A Book Review. Makia Freeman February 12, 2018. The God of Freemasonry Exposed . Donate. If you care about freedom, truth and independent journalism, please support us! Our research takes lots of time and energy. Just $1 a month .
Vaccination and religion - Wikipedia ~ Vaccination and religion have interrelations of varying kinds. No major religions prohibit vaccinations, and some consider it an obligation because of the potential to save lives.Many religions, however, provide that each individual has the right to decide whether or not to use vaccines according to his or her own moral conscience. Regardless, some parents either fake religious adherence or .
Here's Where Major Religions Actually Stand On Vaccines ~ Certain leaders and groups in other faiths have expressed objections to immunization, but these typically aren’t based in scripture or doctrine. But that doesn’t seem to matter for health officials reviewing the requests for exemptions. In most places, it’s fairly easy for parents to cite religious reasons for opting their children out of the vaccine mandate.
The History Of Vaccines And Immunization: Familiar ~ Human beings have benefited from vaccines for more than two centuries. Yet the pathway to effective vaccines has been neither neat nor direct. This paper explores the history of vaccines and immuni.
Are There Religious Exemptions to Vaccines? ~ Catholics: While some people still believe that Catholics are opposed to some vaccines, the Catholic Church is clearly pro-vaccine.Even for the vaccines that some parents question, especially those for hepatitis A, rubella, and varicella, which are cultured in cells that were originally derived from aborted fetuses, the Church teaches that "if no safe, effective alternative vaccines exist, it .
Not Worth a Shot: Why Some Christians Refuse Vaccinations ~ Focus on the Family’s Physicians Resource Council, which last updated a statement in 2015, suggests that Christians have the moral freedom to receive vaccines, though it also respects those .
Vaccines and Ethics / Journal of Ethics / American Medical ~ Hence medicine endorses, and laws sometime insist upon, vaccination of the public, a practice that reinvigorates the ever-present struggle among individuals, science, and the state. This month's authors examine the ethics of mandating vaccination, managing vaccine shortages, conducting human trials for proposed vaccines, developing a vaccine .
11 Best Books on Vaccines and Vaccination ~ Your Baby's Best Shot. Your Baby's Best Shot: Why Vaccines Are Safe and Save Lives by Stacy Mintzer Herlihy and E. Allison Hagood gives you all of the information about vaccines you need to help you with "the easiest parenting decision you'll ever make"—to get your kids vaccinated and protected against vaccine-preventable diseases.. With a foreword by Dr. Paul Offit, this vaccine book .
Anarchy for Freedom India - Knowledge, Sovereignty and ~ Natural Law. Also referred to as the Non-Aggression Principle or the Golden Rule. It is a set of universal, inherent, objective, non-man-made, eternal, and immutable conditions that govern the consequence of behavior of beings with the capacity for understanding the difference between harmful and non-harmful action.
The Vaccine Book: Making the Right Decision for Your Child ~ I read this book to prepare myself for the onslaught of questions about vaccines from families in my practice. Dr. Sears (the author is actually the son of the famous Dr. Sears, this might fool some people) does present each vaccine and the disease it prevents in a nicely organized (and apparently researched) way.
Why Are There Religious Exemptions for Vaccines ~ Although there is a bill in the New York State Legislature right now that if passed would end religious exemptions for vaccines, it became clear what it was up against this week. As soon as Mayor .
Ethical Issues and Vaccines / History of Vaccines ~ Ethical objections to this mandate have ranged to include religious concerns that a vaccine to protect against an STD contradicts abstinence-based messages; fears that the vaccine could potentially force a child to undergo an intervention misaligned with her family’s beliefs; and human rights questions about the fairness of providing a .
Opinion / We Are Taking Religious Freedom Too Far - The ~ We Are Taking Religious Freedom Too Far We have a right to practice our beliefs, but we don’t have the right to discriminate against others, or endanger their lives. By Margaret Renkl
Talking about Vaccines: Religious Concerns ~ Religion and Vaccines - Porcine-derived Components: Institute for Vaccine Safety, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, provides information for certain Muslims and Jews who have concerns about vaccines that contain components with porcine (pork) origins.
On religious and secular exemptions: A case study of ~ The measles is a dangerous childhood disease for which there is no curative medicine; the only treatment available is prevention through vaccination. 5 Once infected, the patient has to endure the disease and during this period she is susceptible to various risks. Out of every 1000 individuals who become infected, one or two will die from the disease; approximately one will develop .
Cultural Perspectives on Vaccination / History of Vaccines ~ Religious objections to vaccines are based generally on (1) the ethical dilemmas associated with using human tissue cells to create vaccines, and (2) beliefs that the body is sacred, should not receive certain chemicals or blood or tissues from animals, and should be healed by God or natural means.
Establishing the Truth: Vaccines, Social Media, and the ~ In June 2019, celebrity Jessica Biel lobbied against a pro-vaccine bill. She received intense backlash almost immediately, and the resulting scrutiny made international headlines. The exchange took place primarily on social media, where those against and those in favor of vaccines clashed—far from the first time such issues were aired loudly and publicly.
Mass Medical Society backs end to religious exemption for ~ By Alexi Cohan, quoting I. Glenn Cohen (Faculty Director) Boston Herald July 26, 2019. Read the full article. From the article: But C.J. Doyle, executive director of the Catholic Action League of Massachusetts, said the bill runs counter to both religious freedom and parental rights.